Yoni Detox Pearls

Yoni Detox Pearls

from $8.88

Yoni pearls are used by many women to cleanse their womb and to restore the vagina back to normal functionality. The pearls are believed to aid with fungal infections, PCOS, fibroids, foul odors, and endometriosis.

Yoni Pearls:
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Yoni Pearls- Do not use pearls seven days before the onset of menstruation and wait at least three days after your last day of your menstruation before using. Do not use pearls during menstruation, if you are pregnant or if you are a virgin. Avoid and/or discontinue use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Ingredients/Herbs: refined from moschus, angelica, motherwort, sangusis draconic, borneolum, syntheticum, rhizome chuanxiong, herba menthae, radix notoginseng, frankincense, radix salvia miltiorrhizae, flows carthami, semen personae, rhizome polygon cuspidate, cortex Moutan, radix aucklandiae, lignum Santali Albi, rhizome cyperi


Medical Disclaimer: Herbal Healing House LLC may contain general information relating to various medical conditions and treatment. Such information is not meant to be a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. Patients should always consult a doctor before taking any over the counter drugs or herbal supplements, in case of possible medication interactions, allergies and side effects. No individuals, including those under our active care , should use this information, resources or tools contained within to self-diagnosis or self-treat any health related condition. Herbal Healing House LLC gives no claims to “ curing “ or “healing” individuals.