Yoni Eggs

Yoni Eggs

from $22.22

Yoni eggs are said to aid with emotional, sexual, physical, and spiritual transformation and healing. When used in addition with regular Kegel exercises, you may strengthen your vaginal muscles. some benefits include decreased incontinence, re-toning post childbirth, increased orgasms.

Yoni Eggs:
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Eggs Types

Aventurine- (Green) loosen and release negativity and energy blockages, including disease. It also increases intelligence, perception and creativity.

Carnelian- (Red) this warm and vibrant stone, boosts confidence and the power of true expression.

Rose Quartz- (Pink) love, peace, healing, romance, intimacy, harmony, trust, empathy, receptivity, and acceptance.

Quartz-(White) amplifies any energy or intention, protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain.

Obsidian-(Black) strongly protective stone, absorbs negative energy from environment, draws out mental stress and tension, brings clarity to mind and clears confusion, and promotes compassion and strength.